1 ) 0 Qualifications Cherwell Area Council’s Environmental Services Department is made up of two sections (Environmental Services and Amenity Services), which deliver a wide range of diverse services (see Table 1). Table 1 ) Services proposed by the Environmental Services Department.

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Environmental Services Service Services Foodstuff Safety/Health and Safety in businesses Waste materials Collection/Recycling Dog Welfare/Dog Warden Service Road Cleaning Pollution Control/Noise Nuisance Pest Control Service Well being Promotion and Disability Problems Environmental Strategy/Agenda 21 This report discusses some of the companies provided by the commercial crew within environmental services who have are responsible intended for food/health and safety police force, infectious disease control, food/water sampling, licensing/registration, complaint analysis and providing information and training. 2 . 0 Introduction The majority of the activities of the business team are mandatory made on the Authorities by statut such as the Meals Safety Act and the Into the Safety at your workplace etc Work.

The section’s activities can also be monitored through quarterly information to the Chief Executive of the Authorities, the Food Specifications Agency plus the Health and Basic safety Executive. Despite the regulatory function of the section which is primarily the adjustment of the regulation, it non-e the less provides a assistance which is described as “the mix of outcomes and experiences brought to and received by a customer” (Johnson & Clark, 2001 p9). Determine 1 data some of the facets of the support experience, which is often used when ever assessing the caliber of the service provided. 5. the extent of personalisation of the method * the responsiveness in the service business * the flexibleness of customer-facing staff * customer intimacy * the simplicity access to assistance personnel or information devices * the extent that the customer feels valued by the organisation 2. the politeness

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