People around the world have to open there eyes to what intellectual persons can perform for the earth rather than just idolizing the celebrity’s and athletics. “America Needs It is Nerds” by Leonid Fridman talks about just how in our world that we idolize celebrity’s and athletics more than intellectual people. Friedman efficiently persuades an audience of intellectuals to value their academics prowess having a logical meaning of “Geek, ” comparisons that highlight the extent of the issue, and rhetorical questions that provide actions.

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In the beginning of his essay, Friedman defines “geek” to catch the reader’s attention and offend all of them, so that they will need action. This individual cites the Webster’s ” new world ” Dictionary defining “geek” as a street musician who shock absorbers the public simply by biting off the heads of live chickens. ” The archaic term was used derogatorily about geeks. Today, intellectuals would be genuinely offended by this description, and it will ultimately catch their interest.

He hopes that intellectuals, when learning this truth, will become upset, read the article, and then do something to resolve the injustice.

Halfway through his composition, he examines the United States with East Asia and the intellectuals at Harvard to sportsmen in order to demonstrate dire require a stand. He compares to the intellectuals that live in the United States and the intellectuals that live Asia. who incongruously do not feel relaxed expressing their own intellectual self’s to the world because the chance of embarrassment. Within the last sentence inside the third paragraph “Nerds will be ostracized although athletes happen to be idolized. ” this offer is clearly trying to advise the reader that intellectual individuals should be more idolize and any other athlete or celeb.

At the end of his documents, he runs on the rhetorical question to get the audience to think about how intellectualism needs to be valued and what they are doing to change society’s fault. To prove his point, Fridman asked, “How long can easily America continue to be a world- class electricity if we continuously emphasize social skills and physical prowess more than academic achievement and intellectual ability? ” He asked us this show the necessity of knowledge we must strive and stay a primary power in the world. Present day, all of us emphasize the advantages of social skills an America rather than intellect, and it will certainly catch the citizens of America who also still want to be a striving region. Fridman asked this query to the intellectuals of the United States to gauge the current circumstance we are in and ultimately speak up, take a position and help to make knowledge the main objective of our land rather than cultural skills.


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Category: Law,

Topic: United States,

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