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U. S i9000. History Honors

The Mexican-American War DBQ

“Was america justified in going to war with Mexico? ” This can be a result in phrase similar to watching two siblings fighting over who gets to enjoy the Xbox. “It’s MY Xbox. inch “But you ruin the complete game. inches In this case, Mexico owns the land of dispute plus the US can be eager to take it. For me, the US must not have gone to war with Mexico for these reasons: the US triggered the warfare, gaining Texas was make sure spread captivity, and the annexation of The state of texas would make America a bigger menace, scaring Mexico along with other countries. The “US Invasion” was just area of the US’s intend to gain area in the early 1800s, once again because of the same excuse, Show Destiny. Mexico’s idea of effective American settlers to move directly into even out the contrasting cultural population of rich and poor backfired and immediately after winning all their independence coming from Spain: a Mexican fear story!

inches[T]this individual troops commanded by General Zachary Taylor arrived at the Rio Grande¦ (Doc. C)” From Philippine perspectives, the border among Mexico as well as the United States was your Nueces Lake. When the Americans crossed over to the Rio de janeiro Grande, that has been below the Nueces River, Mexico burst in to flames. Therefore the US started the conflict, forcing the Mexicans towards the last hay until that they had to finally start defending themselves. “Polk saw Mexico’s treatment of [the envoys] as an opportunity [to head to war]. This individual felt America’s honor had been challenged. When ever word arrived¦ that Mexican soldiers got fired after Americans for the ‘Texas side’ of the Rio de janeiro Grande, Leader Polk had a reason for gonna war (BE). ” I do believe this is packed with baloney since previously, the quote means that the US had a reason for going to war, why would South america attack initial? This unlikely event intimates a few component changes of the history of the war.

“A current of emigration quickly followed in the United States. Slaveholders crossed the Sabine (river between Louisiana and Texas) with their slaves, in disobedient of the Philippine ordinance of freedom. (Doc. D)” This quote the actual US appear very sarcastic since the US was “the land of opportunity and freedom” that lots of people of ethnic teams rushed to yet a large number of slaves did not have chance nor flexibility. In South america, slavery was illegal, and so in a way, Mexico was much more free than the US. The Mexican-American Conflict was just another product of Manifest Future, an excuse from “God” to find land through the Atlantic to the Pacific to spread democracy which eventually turned into an excuse for growing slavery. If the Americans overtook Texas (which happened anyway), the area would be back in square 1: slavery. Because Texas was still theirs, Mexico tried to stop the slavery competitors from becoming obsolete.

“The combination of American troops in the Rio Enorme and the attempt to buy a huge part of their particular country angered the Philippine government. [Polk’s envoys] were asked to leave South america City (BE). ” Just how casually mcdougal mentioned that the envoys were asked to leave might hint the US doesn’t want to admit to looking like a bad guy. This kind of also shows that Polk was driven to gain this kind of land and maybe even pushy when the offer was bluntly rejected. The quote: “Imbecile and diverted, Mexico hardly ever can exert any actual governmental specialist over this kind of a country¦ (Doc. A)” shows how highly the US thought of on its own. They shouldn’t be so speedy to rise issue, the US and Mexico being young countries alike. Having Arizona secede wasnt so awful in Philippine eyes, although having Tx secede to participate in the US was obviously a major problem. Mexico was content if Arizona was its very own country since Texas by itself wasn’t much of a threat, however , the annexation of Tx to the US would mean even more land, meaning more power. Every other country would rather have the US care for on its own and be uninvolved in things outside of all their business. This is the way people contemplated England, meaning the US eventually became what the Founding Fathers terrifying. Furthermore, “America’s wars have got often been controversial [with little approval rates] (BE). ” The concept I’m obtaining is that even though in many wars citizens compared going to battle, the government won’t listen and goes to war anyway, which will isn’t getting very agent like the method it is described. So who are the US to express that Mexico can’t control themselves effectively?

In general, I support the Mexicans’ viewpoint around the war. America deliberately experienced shots fired at South america to own Tx and California. The United States evidently had simply no business in trying to control land that originally belonged to the People in mexico. The USs pushiness, outright anger, want to get more slaves, and rising reign of horror connected to their particular were not valid reasons to go to war with Mexico. Despite the fact that I i am American, I must say that at that time, the US was being a bit snotty for planning to take over just as much as they probably could. The war is usually shameful to the history, recognizing the fact which the US usually seemed and so glorified and perfect when actually, we have determined some of our own sins and went back on our terms of equal rights and proper rights for everyone.

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Category: Life,

Topic: South america, United States,

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