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Life Inside of the Women’s Prison System

We have all recently been angry at some point or another in our lives, but is getting angry enough of a cause to go to prison? In this scenario, that appeared to be exactly the circumstance. Through this case study, we all will explore whether it was a sensible arrest and if the woman with this scenario was victimized more often than once throughout her situation.

Discussing begin with problem of whether Certainly or don’t agree with the decision to police arrest the woman involved. If we are talking about the girl and the girl alone, I would say no . I differ. As far as busts go, I felt each party should have recently been arrested in this case. This female’s ex-husband actually pushed her, to the point where the lady hurt their self, but this individual got non-e of the blame because it was his house. On one hand, I actually do understand that, yet I also believe that law enforcement in the situation required advantage of the lady and the lady should not have already been arrested to get the crime she fully commited.

Then, we can discuss just how she was further victimized as your woman was moved through the system, which was multiple times over, however ” your woman was hardly ever read her rights. Immediately, her case should have recently been thrown out. Of course , it must have already been the officials word against hers, but that was strike one where she had been made their victim before her case experienced already commenced. This expert had after that taken care of her for the next number of hours, when he didn’t perform his job right in the first place.

Strike two had started when the girl had declined treatment with the hospital, or a hospital go to all together. In this article, the officer ” as stated before drove her to the medical center regardless after she was adament multiple times that she would not want to go and didn’t need to risk the embarrassment. At the same time, the officer handcuffed her injuring wrist but still drove her to the hospital where your woman was forced to, again, refuse treatment. Albeit, this is probably in the officer’s method that clinic visits are required, but the condition could have been dealt with much more successfully.

Overall, we are able to talk about the victimization this woman knowledge throughout her whole face in the criminal justice program. She was in jail for more than 24 hours simply because no one genuinely cared to do almost anything about her, and that’s the truth. It’s amazing to think what happens to some of these young women if they don’t have families that care about these people and want to buy them out. Fortunately, this female’s husband was working with an attorney to receive her away and as far away as possible. Just like she explained, with no plans of returning, this case examine was amazing to read and hopefully may shed some light about how and in which the criminal proper rights system is deficient.

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Category: Legislation,

Topic: This case, Your woman,

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