Thingyan festival – Water Celebration – Myanmar New Year – in 04 The country Myanmar is Known as the “Golden Land” in the world seeing that every pagoda is furnished and painted with rare metal. Myanmar abounds with very colourful and profound rooted fests.

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There are 13 most popular year around festivals in Myanmar. One of them is the celebration on Thingyan Festival, since the Water Festivity or Myanmar’s Traditional Beginning of the year Festival. Myanmar people enjoy the Water Festivity all over the country pertaining to 4 days before New Year day simply by throwing water on each additional.

It takes put on April13th to April sixteenth of every season. It is believed that Drinking water Festival washes away sins and welcomes the New Year, 04 17th. The Mandats, drinking water throwing and playing locations with the large signboards are every where, with the urban centers but as well in the villages. In key cities just like Yangon, backyard hoses, large syringes created from bamboo, plastic water pistols, bowls, mugs and other equipment from which water can be squirted are used. All these whole times, people are going round to the Mandats with their bicycles, motorbikes, opentop jeeps and trucks to play the water with each other.

This can be a hottest event and a good dousing is definitely welcomed by most. Many people are fair video game except the monks and clearly pregnant women. After playing around and having fun through the entire country, persons welcome 2012 on the seventeenth by cleaning the floors of the pagodas and monasteries, washing older and aged peoples’ hair, helping to minimize their toenails. Some provide free foods and refreshments for everyone who comes to the pagodas.

A lot of make additional donations. There’s also a custom in Myanmar to obtain live these people own in and bovine during the festival and let them free in sanctuaries or rivers or lakes using a prayer and a would like saying “I release you once, you release me personally ten times” on the last day of Thingyan. Most of the Myanmar’s have confidence in Buddhism so killing any kind of living beast is a guilty act. All of these April days, there are music and scattering of normal water in the air. Tossing water about everyone with the purpose to purify their very own mind and spirit is really rainy.

If you are planning a trip to the Precious metal Land Myanmar, this is one festival to not be missed. All your sins are purified with Thingyan Water Event. You will never forget true happiness.

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