Kenyatta University is well know beyond Africa continent because of its annual tradition week, a celebration during which activities that reflect diverse African culture happen to be performed. The much awaited cultural week is seen as a songs, crisis, poems, theatre among other topical activities. I was fortunate to attend the cultural week organized through the month of September, 2007 and held both with the universities social village and the finals placed at the Kenyatta International Conference Centre, Kenya.

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The most interesting was a traditional song presented in one of the indigenous languages showing the manner with which the interest more present and could not understand the local ‘languages’ were were made for. Most of the songs had been presented by groups consisting of members via different communities, a clear indication of the co-operation and sharing within the residential areas at that time. A great artistic skill was portrayed in the manner when the singing group combined the several sounds to produce an enjoyable song, with arriving at several times and parts.

It was accompanied by equally traditional and modern musical instruments, stringed, drums, the piano and forecasted by the loud speakers for a lot of to be able to listen to. The doing group covered a lesso on their physiques. However , the majority of the traditional attires were absent, enough to predict which the communities were moving away from the standard dressing requirements. The music was released by two of the performers, who played different parts in return, the boogie was in pairs and the group also left the level in pairs. Through out the song though at diverse points, tonal variation was employed and this caught fascination of the market.

All these shown a great design. The business lead singer who have happened to be a lady demonstrated a fantastic ability in tonal variant and grooving more than others in the crew. Others could be heard whispering that she is genius, and actually the lady was and all her performances, non-e matched her. It was a well known fact that the song described over had a great deal in common with other forms of ethnic expression at that time.

Other forms as well included multiple performer, and involved the use of sound to communicate. Many forms of expression adhere to a unique style during performance and involve some level of individual natural exceptional capability, even though schooling also successfully enhance success of these kinds of forms. They are performed within a cultural event and want audience. Nevertheless , in contrast, almost all of the forms of ethnic expression during that time were within a common terminology (that can be English language) and would not involve cultural accompamyments nor was boogie a common characteristic even though some component of demonstration were evidenced.

REFERRALS Cook, N (1990) music imagination and culture. Ny: Oxford University Press. Bratton, J. S i9000 (Ed. ) (1986) music Hall: Performance and Style. Phila.: Open School Press. Sloboda, J. A (1985) The Musical Brain: The intellectual Psychology of Music.

Nyc: Clarendom Press.

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Topic: Cultural, Event,

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